Saturday, December 06, 2008

Thanksgiving Sparrows ...

I had this overwhelming need to Thank God for Sparrows and I wanted to share with the whole family. There are little ones around the table and not enough quiet to share. I am not one that feels comfortable leading and need someone to start. So after looking at my origami books, I folded a sparrow for each family member with their name on the front as a name card and then put Scripture references (II Tim 1:7, Isa 43, Luke 12) with a verse out of Luke 12 written out ' Do not FEAR therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows '. When the table was cleared I made sure I tucked the sparrows in their personal belongings just encase they might want to have it as a reminder for later...

Here is a letter I got from little bro:

I have been meaning to get this email off to you...
With everything going on at the dinner table (Lucia and Ethen) I did not get a chance to express how special I think the sparrows you made are. I am not sure if each had a different verse, but mine seemed personalized. Thank you for the time and energy that you put into them and ultimately put into our family. Family is important. I know it may not always seem that I think that, but I do. It gets difficult juggling fatherhood, husbandhood, studenthood, child-of-Godhood, and brotherhood, and sonhood. I think hearing what you expereinced at Paul's viewing and then the ackwardness I felt at Wilma's viewing and then standing in the hospital hearing the doctor tell Grandma Erma the end of her life is near, has got me thinking about the importance of family.
I love you!
little bro

Yes!!!! So here was my opportunity to share more ...

Dear little bro,
Thank you for sharing with me about your thoughts on my thanksgiving sparrows.  I have so much to say and have no outlet to do these little creative things of bearing witness to God.  I am not a mom nor did I want to be but of recent I have been having 'mom' thoughts and been figuring out how I would bear witness of God to kids and others.  There is something to the reason of those thanksgiving sparrows...

In September my world began to change.  Consolidating two companies meant that I had to give up my very small windowless office where I felt very secure and at peace with my little world.  I could listen to BNN and get my fill of God's Word and hymns.  On the outside it was a numbers world but on the inside I  was just a growing in my sure Foundation, the Rock.  I got word that I would be moving to a bigger office with one whole wall of window and that I would be sharing it with another.  I didn't like this new info one bit.  I already had one experience with an office mate and I didn't want another.  I also was worried that BNN wouldn't come in or that it would offend the office mate.  My office is right by the water cooler and everybody would say 'how do you rate with a big office and a window to boot!'  I would get so mad because having a window isn't the most important thing on my mind!  Grrrrrr....

Then in the still of the afternoon sparrows would come and peck around by the window.  It was God telling me that I was important and special even when changes make you feel less important.  The day before the big news of the 8% pay cut, the sparrows were again at the window.  Again God was saying look at those sparrows and see that they do not worry about food or clothes.  I am more value than these special little birds and God will provide.  He has taken me through one job loss and He will take me through another. Today the news is even more bleaker but in Hebrews 10 & 11 it says: ' without FAITH it is impossible to please Him! ' & 'do not cast away your Confidence, which has great reward.'  It doesn't mean I don't feel scared but I am right back standing tall and talking back with God's Word, Promise, & Blessing to the enemy!  

I always try to have a yearly theme and sometimes I don't start the year with one in mind like this year.  God has given me one:  FEAR NOT! So I have begun to throw away the spirit of timidity and I am trying to be bold in speaking out with encouragement.    I think it is my gift even when I don't feel it is going anywhere.... like with the thanksgiving sparrows so HUGE HUG and thank you for giving me a vote of confidence with the birds.  (Do you know that God never tells us to fear anything but He Himself?  He is always saying to fear not and to take courage.)

What is amazing with God's Word that is so different with man's words is that it is given to all of us but it is personalized for each individual.  I can use His Word to pray for others and to encourage even when I don't know what someone else might be facing or going through.  So whenever you see sparrows or any bird for that matter and hear their songs, you the child of the King can sing for all your little heart can pump out!  Reading all of Hebrews 11 you will see that we are longing for a homeland not here, a heavenly country.  We are not alone.  We are surrounded by such a huge family - not just the ones written in the Bible but those of us here and loved ones far away and ones freshly on Heaven's shore.  We are all connected even when it feels like we are so alone...  Keep running the race with the sparrow's song fresh on your heart and mind and your soul will soar!

To Thanksgiving Sparrows!

always sis

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