Friday, December 19, 2008

sugar plums!

I am offffff of work for two whole weeks! I did start a day early because of not paying certain vendors due to the lack of money flow out there so it took a ton of time to go through 3 weeks worth of invoices and then to delete the 'checks' from the check run. I also filed and received some nice and painful paper cuts as the files are full. We will go back to do inventory then it should get interesting. But as of these two weeks I will spend just how I like - being creative and festive! I have many projects that I want to get at and accomplish - probably too many! Some of those projects is to get Shutterfly to work w/ the transfer on the new iMac. Don't know why it won't work! Plus, getting logged into Shutterfly takes ages. Then I need to write here in llj and also need to write a some letters and update the resume. I got to look now for a new job. Maybe this is the time to go into something that really fuels my soul!!!

I have already spent many of my nights being festive with what things I have around the house. I have always loved the idea of having glass ornament bulbs in a bowl or tall glass cylinder. I don't have the regular sized bulbs so instead I used miniature sparkling water glass bottles I had. I liked so I fill some baskets with the tiny blue wine bottles I had. Yes, I have a ton of glass in my house! Good thing I don't have the huge quakes they have in Cali! Anyways, I would like to get into some glitter and Christmas origami too. I have an idea about 'fear not' that I need to collect 'fear not' verses. I want to somehow share it with my family.

Ahh, I have soooo many visions of sugar plums dancing in my head! ♬

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