Tuesday, April 24, 2007

wellspring policy

The Spring of Laughter

Today's Scripture

"Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst— not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life." (John 4:14)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

When you make Jesus the Lord of your life, God puts within you an eternal well that will never run dry. You have an unlimited supply of good things inside you which should be continually bubbling out of you. But Satan doesn't want your joy, happiness, or laughter to flow freely. So he comes along and throws a stone of, say, worry into your well. You may think, "That's just one little stone. It's not hurting anything. The water is still flowing pretty well." But Satan will be back soon with another stone, whether it's fear, self-pity, or hopelessness. If you haven't dealt individually with each of these stones and gotten rid of them, your nice, free-flowing well of good things will become clogged. But you can still unclog it with a major dose of laughter!
A Prayer for Today

Lord, thank You for the spring of eternal life and joy that You have placed within me. Help me deal with the stones that can block the free flow of goodness, joy, and laughter. In Jesus' name. Amen.
above from Joel Olsteen’s daily devotional

I have been putting my ‘Wellspring Policy’ on the back burner for some time now. I didn’t want to repeat my other thoughts even though this goes in hand in hand with getting to know your real self (fat suit epiphany & tipping point) and learning to take care of yourself. By developing some guidelines I can be confident that I have learned from my own tipping point and maybe shed light on the fact that no matter how good we try to be, we fail.

A warning in Proverbs 4:23 has been my guidance. ‘’Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of LIFE.’’ Yes, I know that when my waters muddied, there was no life or brightness in my eyes. I felt naked and used. I knew I needed to be strong and stop hurting myself. How do you do that?

I want to go back a step. When you become a believer, your heart is transformed and God describes this as an spring. "Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst— not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life." (John 4:14) Take this in. Haven’t you daydreamed especially on one of those hot humid grimy days for a clear clean spring that bubbled and gushed with fresh yummy water there tucked in a cool wooded area? Ok maybe not the first daydream, you beach lovers you! What a visual. That is my heart! But it is also my job to protect that wellspring…

Start drinking from the well that will never run dry – God’s Word! Start thinking about the Words He has preserved from Alpha and Omega. Pray these Words and use them in your speech. Stop hedging. Go for it. Be honest and don’t hide even when it goes against the world. Something changes and you might not notice it. Stay alert. Keep saying the Words. A good place to practice is when watching tv or a movie. Every time something goes against His Words and Promises, declare His Attributes and His Promises. Keep it basic and simple. No discussions. Give proof to your faith. We are to pray without ceasing and we are to use the Shield. Great protection. Then when opportunity arises, God will come to you and give you the Words to protect you when you feel the urge to hide (fat suit) or feel the needs of attention (tipping point). Your voice may be hard to hear but you will stand firm…

The enemy is a thief. The Friend is the Defender and Supplier…

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