Thursday, June 30, 2005

Sing to me!

I am intrigued with those male country singers who touch your heart with such wonderful love ballads. Are they the man of their songs? Do they really love like that? Are they willing to allow a female into their world? Are they willing to 'make memories of the us?'

When I am driving those country roads with the windows down and my hair whipping in the wind listening to a yummy country boy sing his heart to me, it is a nice moment to get lost in. Then reality honks waking me.

It seems that people only believe in nightmares now days. A good woman or a good man to fall in love with is just a myth. A strong marriage lasting over 50 years is rare. There is no belief of a passionate marriage.

I must keep believing that maybe the man in the country love song will be reality. To be love outloud would be a dream come true. Doubt is a negative attitude. Negative attitude is a rejection of faith. Faith is Positive Force.


  1. What is a real love? A real love is passionate and compassionate. A real love is warrior and beauty together. A real love is adventure and a safe place. A real love is God. God chose to have a marriage relationship with us.

    Humans do not have this 'real love' within their being. They must require it. They must learn from the Master. Humans are image-bearers like the moon that borrows it's pale light from the sun.

    I am glad that real love is of God. Humans have failed miserably. There are so few good examples out there for one to know the looks of real love. God's love has never failed me even though I have failed my God often.
