Thursday, April 09, 2009


Friendship has been a life long search and disappointment for me. As I hit the middle road and have come to terms with what is in my life, I realize that my mother and father didn't have 'deep friendships' except each other and this is my heritage as well. We may be too deep or too tenacious for others that it seems like we are a bit peculiar.

I have been finding comfort in with Proverbs 18:24 ''A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother.'' I love the but because being here in the verse means that I even as I am friendly that sometimes it just isn't going to work or be as deep as I like BUT there is a Friend who is so close to me and deep and joyful too. So with this knowledge tucked under my arm, I have decided to start jotting down the Bible truths in makes make a good friend and to put it into my life.

* Proverbs 18:24 = be friendly but it doesn't mean that you will always have friends but you will always have the FRIEND.
* Proverbs 18:1 = isolating yourself or being insular = selfish - our lives interconnect w/ everyone we meet.
(also isolating yourself means you have rage issues)
* Proverbs 27:9 = ointment & fragrance - friendship is about hearty healing counsel and delightful sweetness
''Ointment and Fragrance delight the heart, and the sweetness of a man's friend gives delight by hearty counsel.''
* Proverbs 27:17 = iron sharpens iron = it is important to FIGHT for the friendship
I did not like this verse because I do not anger or fighting but when I saw this as a Top Chef sharpening a knife against a piece of flint, I do not see anger or fighting but rather becoming a better me. I see the value of fighting for ''ship'' but not the fighting for being right.
* Col 2:2 If you are a believer, you are knitted together with other believers and this is ENCOURAGEMENT.
* Eph 5 - walking in love & redeeming the time
* Prov 17:9 - Harbor love not hate. When you think about the things you love about a person, you cover that person in love. When you think about the things you hate or even dislike, you cover that person in hate and begin to dislike that person.
* Eph 2:10; Gal 6:9- use your gifts
* Phil 4:5 - let your gentleness be known to all men.

I am sure that there is more for me on this search as I am always on the look out to be better. It is most interesting to see how God uses ''ships'' as His means of Design - marriage b/t man and woman, family, friendship etc. I love His Workings...

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