Tuesday, November 29, 2005

what is anger? what is depression?

Depression is like taking out your soul. The value of your self-worth is nothing. Ask what is out of your control and there you find sources of this grey feeling. You are backed into a corner with no way out and in creeps anger. What is anger? ... being shamed. You never have measured up. You never seem to have enough to cover your needs.
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my Dearest Strong Tower,
Anger was my bedfellow today and I messed up. I am beginning to notice a cycle of where there are days where I just cannot handle too much social stimuli. I am thinking that I need a new stredegy for tomorrow so I can live up to the name You have called me {joyful one}.

I want to walk in Your Light and not run. I want to be quiet and I do not think that is wrong. May my voice be full of Your Kindness. May my smile reflect Your Light. Lord, shield me with Your EverLasting Arms and may their laughter at me fall away.

You are my Safe Place. I can be the real me in Your Presence. You are my Home. You never laugh at me. You call be Beautiful and I blush with healing in my wounds. You still my rage and remove my shame. You get me because You know me intimately as You have created me and filled my heart with dreams. You have given a purpose for my life here on earth. I sing and skip with an abundance of joy bursting in my heart. I am blessed.
~ weary but always yours

1 comment:

  1. You are my Safe Place... so wonderfully true - secure, hidden from the enemy, loved and embraced into the depths of His heart, refreshed, restored, strengthened... safe.
