Saturday, November 19, 2005

Walk the Line ...

I was anxious to see this movie for the love story between June and Johnny. I wanted to see how a woman could be strong enough for herself and for a man bent on destroying himself. I rate this a movie as a 10 ...

Joaquin Phoniex so engrossed himself into Johnny's character that his side curl of his mouth and his eyes were as though he had become Mr. Cash. If you chosed your eyes, you almost could swear that you were listening to Johnny.

Reese Witherspoon captured June's spirit. The fight that takes to still have others respect you and yet hold out your hand to help another who is lost.

I am a dreamer and I believe in affirming the dream and purpose in others. My spirit was a shout'en! I was very hot with anger at Johnny's father. ''The wrong son died'' ... how dare you kill a young child's dream and purpose. Those words haunted Johnny but his dream to be a country singer kept tugging at his heart. It was his first love and one that would carry him through his life, but he always was battling his demons.

You cannot believe in yourself without a trust that God believes in you. God creates your being and has tucked in your heart dreams and a purpose for your life. You fail yourself, others, and ultimately your God when you have no belief.

Everything falls apart in Johnny's life, but tucked in Johnny's heart was the love of singing. He kept failing his purpose, but God in His Infinate Wisdom sent a human named June to bring belief and faith into a walking dead man. As June along with her father and mother stood their ground protecting Johnny from falling back into the drugs, Johnny began to sober up and realized the strength in belief that God created him and his dreams and had a purpose for his life.

Dear Creator,
Thank You for affirming the dream in me. I know of one in particular who I cry out for over and over to You. I believe in his dreams and his purpose .... Ahhh, You are my Source, my Storehouse of Strength and Wisdom, and You are my Joy. You are my Source of Endurance and Tenacity .... I thought I had an unending supply, but my own has run out. Yours is an Ever-Constant. Thank You for my own dreams and the dreams of those around me. I cherish ....
~ always your little lamb

a movie review: dreamer

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