Sunday, November 13, 2005


A woman has this feeling of need that seems to be always lurking in her world. She feels the need to be beautiful or she will be discarded. She feels the need to be protected or the wicked and sly will leave her raped and violated. She feels the need to connect and matter or her mind, heart, and soul will shivel up. She feels the need to matter or she will die of inattention.

This earth says she is too needy so she keeps hiding all her yearnings. Her tears in the darkness are her food and drink. She runs Home to her Maker and Husband (Isa 54:5). His Everlasting Arms welcome her. He whispers, "I AM ALL you NEED."

A man does not feel need because he does not want to feel less of a man. He conquers and takes over his place of profession or he is less of a man. He conquers and takes women or he is less than a man. He conquers and takes over church or he has to admit there is a God. He conquers and takes over the remote for excape or he is less than a man.

This earth says he must have many conquests so he keeps on taking. His inadequacy in the darkness is his food and drink. He must give in to his ultimate need and run Home to the Warrior King of kings and the Great Shephard. His Everlasting Arms are Mighty and Strenth-Giving. He is Patient and waits for men to relinquish the fight. He whispers,
"Come and lay down all your weapons. I AM ALL you NEED."

Dearest Creator,
It is so far from my feeble understanding why there is so much distance between women and men. You created this need in both yet we fight and withhold our yearnings from each other. I kinda think you want us to come together here not for each of us to be the total need-filler but rather to come together and come to You, the StoreHouse and Great Provider.

I think that this need for each other teaches us our great need for You. This should not repel but bring together... I know You will show me Your Wisdom. Thank You for being so Constant in my life.
~ always your little lamb


  1. He whispers back to you...

    I know all that is in your heart and i understand completely. I created two to come together and become one, to inhabit one another. I gave you the need, but you are right... I AM All you NEED but you need to know that I NEED YOU too... If you are needy then I am too... I love you so deeply My Beautiful Darling and crave that closeness and intimacy with you... I need your attention, I need your love, I need you close, I need your touch, I long for you... I need you...

    Be near to me My Beloved, as I am so near to you.

  2. {{{{{{{Lovely}}}}}}} exactly!!!! beautiful words ... my heart and soul are hugged....
