Saturday, November 05, 2005


"Do you believe in fate or do we have a choice?" he asked. Their day was pretty messed up and here sitting on the porch watching the stars seemed like a good place to be still.

"I believe in free will," she said softly. "I didn't have too but I freely choose to love you." Her shy smile deepened and her eyes twinkled.

"So what is up with accidents? What are they for? How can you have free will and accidents co-habitate in our lives? Why?" He raked his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"Accidents are bends in our journey. They take to places you would have never taken, but these accidents still allow you to choose how you will handle it. Accidents are places where we can actually touch God... more like God touching us and our lives. He freely choose to love us and He desires for us to freely love Him back. " Her face seemed aglow from her passionate words. He grab her hand in his.

"I like free will and accidents co-existing .... makes Love richer and deeper." He pulled her to her feet and went inside. The porch light went out and the night stars shone brighter.

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