Wednesday, November 21, 2012

no escape …

When you have trouble at work, there is always an escape. When you have trouble at home, there is always an escape. When you have relational trouble, there is always an escape. When you have personal trouble, there is always an escape. When you have marital, there is always an escape. When you kid problems, there is always an escape. When you have money problems, there is always an escape. When you have problems with electronics, there is always an escape. Name any kind of trouble or problem and you can name several escapes except for one trouble where there is no escape.

This one trouble is most precious because it is our life and anything that hinders it is a sucker punch that reverberates throughout our body and soul. When pain enters or when fear of cancer enters our world, there is no escape. It gnaws at the linings of our brain and our soul. We see numbering of days of our lives or the days of agony deepen on our horizon.

We may try every escape and often do only to fine we are quivering in fear. We may turn to God and His Word and still find some part of you quaking in fear. Be not alarmed. God is still bigger than your problem. God can still the storm. But what if He wants to carry you THROUGH the storm with all the wind, hail, and cold steely water? What if He wants to show you that He alone can cover every little quivering quaking fear that overwhelms you? What if the only way for you to truly see HIS PRESENCE is for you to experience the fear and tread while in His capable hands and to wake up to see a newness has spread its soft warm glow through out your body, heart, mind, and soul? How wonderful to wake with thankfulness on your lips as you realize that God covered every fear uniquely fitting your personality and character. He created your being to make you unique and He will keep designing and crafting you through your life as uniquely. He is the Author and Finisher of your faith. He knows what He is doing. Fear not isn't working for you? Keep expectant in His Hands. Wait for the morning. He will come… Rejoicing comes after you come through … rejoicing comes in the morning … Psalms 30

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