Thursday, January 22, 2009

1st amigurumi cupcake & oreo

I did it. I made my first cupcake. It turned out bigger than I thought it would. I have two cupcake amigurumi instructions so I am anxious to try the other one. I am looking for smaller cupcake. The one I made is too big to just stuff. It is like a container so I am thinking to only stuff the top and leave the bottom as is to hold little trinkets or a note...

It is a chocolate cake with raspberry icing and multi-colored sprinkles on top. I know I could do better as I am not happy with the spiral look. I like the round look because it is more balanced but it will do for know. I am really proud of the 'ruffle' part. It is something new and and I did it!

I also made my first oreo amigurumi cookie! I didn't like how big this one turned out either so I took out a couple rows and reworked it. Again the instructions were in the spiral but I tried to make it in the round for a balanced cookie. I have one some part that isn't totally round but, oh well! I will keep at it and practice makes perfect. I am proud of the white filling part because it was a new stitch, hdc. I made it work and thought it turned out well. I want to make a raspberry stuffed oreo and a mint oreo!

I am anxious to get some reaction because most people don't know what I am talking about and some think of the old crochet animals and things they created in the 70's. Not so! These are hype and really mod not to mention very cute. I fell for amigurumi because of the cuteness and because they are tiny! They will make for some really special gifts for my nieces. I might have some time left for the nephew to enjoy a hedge hog or something before he grows up too much. And to top off another reason for me to love amigurumi is that now I can fully enjoy the sweets and chocolate that cause those dreaded food allergy HA's. Now I can have a plate full of these cookies or a cake plate topped with all kinds of cupcakes! LOVE IT!!!!!

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