Thursday, August 31, 2006

takes one ...

* I know of someone who found out that his wife wants a divorce this past Monday. I can only imagine what he is going through tonight when he tells his parents. He values highly the importance of sticking it out for the long haul. He believes in doing anything and everything possible to keep the marriage together. He wants to work for it. He is a believer. For better for worse, forever is forever.

¡!Well so you would think. As I grow up, I am finding that there is a false lining to the phrase "It takes to tango." Sure it takes two to fight and two to make up. It takes two to make a great team. It takes two to harmonize. It takes two to lighten the load. However, life has recently revealed to me that it can take one to take themselves out of the equation, leaving the one behind without any means of keeping the promise they want to keep for life.

¡!It takes one to think of themselves instead of the team. No matter how hard the one left holding the pieces tries to glue it all back together, it just won't stick. What are you to do when they remove themselves from the marriage? MIA! <-- HATE IT

¡!I hate to admit this because I am a dreamer and marriage is so God-Brilliant, but I don't trust it or believe in it ... well, I still hope..... I being the never married single sort with such high regard for marriage .... well, it would be the death of me to have someone divorce me .... especially waiting so long to be chosen.

Dearest troubled heart & soul,
I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you, MY little one. You are right it takes one. It takes one to forgive... Look at My Nail Scarred Hands. Chosen and forgiven.
~always & forever
your Heavenly Husbandman
Heb 13:5

''Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet
when the heal has just crushed it.''
~ Mark Twain

i know of someone : blessing for her

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