Saturday, October 04, 2008

'Aged Love' {v}

While talking to a co-worker, our conversation was about how a marriage relationship becomes real good when it goes through the different seasons.

There are different things and issues that happen in the teenage years compare to the 20's, 30's, 40's and so on it goes. You can't just give up when it gets rough and redo an age. You lose out on the deep and wide of love and stay in the shallow end forever. It is sad to see so many marriages lose out when there is divorce.

I being still single am afraid that I missed out on the good stuff of the ages. I've been told that you still feel the giddy teenage stuff of every new love and this from a widower who now on her third. Not sure I believe it. There is a lot of things packed into each season.

At other times I just don't think I was made for marriage in the 20's & 30's. How sad is that? But this new age I am entering might be ok. It is more about the two of you and not about the kids. However, I do not have much to work with as the guys out there in my age bracket still have kids and there is no way I want to jump in that kind of soup. It is not fair to the kids with so many pot stirrers. However, I thought I was ready in my 30's and that didn't happen. At moments I wonder if it will ever happen. So why do I have this want? I have prayed to for my future mate and I have prayed for this want to just up and die! Argh.

Oh well, I will still believe in marriage as it should be - as God designed it to be. I will still believe in the aged love with all its depth and flavor. I will continue to discover it even if it isn't mine ...

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