Wednesday, October 03, 2007

messed up ...


Wheeeee, I have been having some really funky emotions lately. I can't pinpoint the reason. My happy should be up with all the fish and fish oil I consume. My Joy should be up because I am more in love with God than ever before and ever thought possible. So what is up? Ragweed? The pre-M word?

Once again someone had to jump to the conclusion about the d-word.

Proverbs 12:25 says "Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad."

I must admit I am starving for a good word. My main love tank has been on empty for a long time. People are really getting on my nerves because they cannot follow through on their word! Oh, how we can change the world with good word. I saw it with my own father. I saw the anxiety starting to mount and I gathered family to say some good words. It worked! Not everyone partook of this experiment, but for those of us that did, it was good to see!

Proverbs 20: 3 says "It is honorable for a man to stop striving since any fool can start a quarrel."

Hmmmm, I was striving to get an answer to a question about work today. I felt the angst and quarrel begin to turn my insides out. No, I was not seeking to fight. I am just having a hard time trying to understand how the system works. I know I was having difficulty trying to phrase the question right, but I most definitely wasn't getting the answer I needed or thought I needed. I dropped the conversation and walked away with tears in my heart. What is wrong with me? Oh, I was striving and way too hard. The striving causes the angst and sparks a quarrel! Wow! I wondered at this proverb... Striving doesn't seem like a bad word... but it is very dangereous!

No wonder I am having deflated thoughts! NOOOOO it is not depression but if I don't get some of my love tanks filled...

Time to water.

Proverbs 11: 25 says "The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered."

.: formulas :.
depression = anxiety
interference = striving

performance = potential - interference/striving

good word ÷'s anxiety = glad heart

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