Monday, October 08, 2007

control emotions by thought ...

From the book 'Quiet Leadership' there is a model of how we make our habits. Picture a big rock half in the ground and half out. What the rock is resting on is thinking. From the bottom of the rock to earth level is our feelings. From the earth to half way to the top is our behavior. Then the peak is our habit. Ok, now enters a girl who is resting heavily in her late thirties remembering this was the age her mom's emotions were sort of wacking out much like her own wierd ups and outs.

I am looking at this model thinking 'so there is a way to control my emotions?' It is about what I am thinking? I am soooooo trying to 'whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, good report, virteous, praiseworthy - think on these things (phil 4:8). And that verse that spoke to me as I was entering my workplace - 'Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.' I must keep the faith and toe the line with my thoughts.

One draw back... You gotta have a good word of validation in there somewhere. I am finding it hard to come by. God covers it all the bases, but having family and friends give you a pat feels good to. Sometimes you just what God with some skin on.

Try thanking, appreciation, validation, recognition, affirmation, confirmation on some people today... it softens their behavior... and sure could use some today...

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