Wednesday, October 03, 2007

change or not?

When is it good to change?
When I ask the question like this, I am also saying that there are going to be times when change is bad. I am all for learning and learning by all means is a force of change in your life because of the excitement you get over new stuff. But when someone begins to label you by asking you if you are part of the change or if you are part of the problem, there is something wrong... Are you allowed to question change? YES!

I have a huge pet peeve. IF SOMETHING CAN BE DONE BETTER AND MORE EFFICIENTLY, CHANGE! MAKE A NEW HABIT!!!!! and this is the only time change is good. Why must we bang our heads against the same wall before we realize that we could save precious brain cells?

No, I am not perfect. But I do try to always do better than before. If something is too hard, I am always trying to find an easier friendlier way. Life is hard enough so why would I want to make it harder!!! People bump into each other daily if not every moment. Be careful. Change is only good when you are doing in your own life and performance. Change is bad if you are trying to make it happen in someone else or if you bulldoze over another's feelings and life experience!

I do believe I got my soapbox out!!!

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