Sunday, November 02, 2008

redeem vs reform ...

I have been listening to Steven Davies and he is talking about our allegiance. Here is my notes:

1. Believers are not suppose to reform government but to redeem it.
2. Our hope is in the city of God not the city of man.
3. God's Purpose = be ambassadors of God.
4. We are not to save America but Americans.
5. ''I will build my church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against her.''
6. Glorify God & advance the Gospel of Christ.

We do have the liberties to vote, pay taxes, & to take the census.

I do love my country for what the founding fathers have given to us and strived to achieve. America was created to as a safe haven for worship of the One True God as well as allowing others to choose their choices and to self govern. It saddens me as I see the decline and my heart has been lead of God to have a strong allegiance to the Kingdom than here. It doesn't mean that I will give up on America.

I really like the word 'redeem'. One verse that brings me great comfort is 'Redeem the time for the end is near.' Now to the meaning of redeem, I always ask myself or question God for the meaning. So here is what I got - redeem is basically putting good out there. Take the fruit of the Spirit as a great place to start we all need more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

A personal way for me to redeem is to encourage. There is way too many negative words and especially in the season negative ads. 'Scoffers have set the city aflame, but wise men turn away wrath.' Proverbs 29:8 As I wrote this haunting verse down, I was making it singular in my mind but it is plural! I will be doing my bit on encouraging (got to get my 'be encouraged' letter to GWB written) but will you? Is there someone in the Family that is oppressed and needs a pleasant word? What about the others without the Peace we know? Is our actions showing them that we are restless and lacking courage? Are we in the Word and feasting on God's Promises? I know that when I am 'talking back the Word', I feel much better. When I forget and get overwhelmed, I am not redeeming.

Redeeming is expressing our allegiance to the God we serve and the Kingdom.

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