Tuesday, January 22, 2013

expectant, patient, contented…

I must tell you about why my beloved Andy holds a special place in my heart. He's a furry toy fox terrier and a brother to Bobby. Even though he is three times smaller than his cousin Tink, he is the alpha dog. It is his house rules and they must be followed. I get it. I'm a first born. Rules are good to keep things in an orderly pattern and smooth. I've had to learn not to inflect rules over others but I still can use rules and patterns in my work and life.

Toy fox terriers are animated nervous excitable enjoyable furry pups. They shake when they excited. They shake when they are nervous. They shake when they are cold. Andy and Bobby shake. I understand this. I can get cold quite quickly and when I get nervous, I get a bit shakeable.

Toy fox terriers like their food, treats, and especially their cookies. They know how to tell time. They know their humans' patterns and know how to use it get their treats. Bobby and Tink exploit all the time. Andy enjoyed the treats but wouldn't use this tactic. He's expectant and look at you with those expressive eyes that makes you melt. Bobby and Tink have small window of contentment. When their bellies are full and they are getting human time, they are content only until they think their tummies are touching their backbones! Andy wasn't this way. He loved his treats and his food but he knew that we would give him food and love. He was expectant but always content and patient with us. Because of this very trait being his master was our honor.

So shouldn't we be more like that with our Heavenly Father and Master? Shouldn't we be expectant of His Goodness, patient with His Timing, and content with His Presence? What an honor for our King! Enjoyable. What a precious lesson from my beloved and enjoyable little Andy.

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