Sunday, March 22, 2009

seconds & thirds please ...

I have been finding it hard to write here like I use to. And this week for sure will be sporadic like usual. Dad is away for the week so I am over being with Mom and the 3 pups for company. It is sorta like a vacation but not! I am planning on some cooking because Mom tends to just eat leftovers or eats fast food. I thought this would be good for me to try cooking for others and save a bit of pocket change. However, this is like living between two places and it means other things are put on hold. This explains this week. Now to explain the other weeks where my writing has become sparse.

The Amigurumi has certainly taken a real strong hold in my life right now. I love these little crochet toys and the smaller the better. While on this wacky ride I realized that besides books and my bike being my 'bestest' childhood friends, small stuff animals that I could pack and hide in my purse because I didn't what to leave them at home since I was afraid a fire or tornado would take them from me. Whew! I know a poor tween girl was I! I am so glad that I don't feel the need to pack them in purse as an adult. Now my purses are very small and only pack the essentials. {sheepy grin & red cheeked} But to be able to make these little pocket friends with smiles have become a driving need inside. When I have completed them all decked out in a smile and cuteness, I smile. I love it.

I have found that Amigurumies de-stress me in these wild and troubling times. Of course they are only apart of the de-stressing but it has been a cool ride. I do wonder if the ride will stop and why my other creative passions don't drive me like Ami does but I am a perpetual learner that what Ami has done to me, I am going to work it in my writing and my painting. This is way to good to let it slide unheeded in my other parts of my life.

Being able to create little best friends that made my childhood is coming full circle. I have to thank my precious Heavenly Father for enabling me to get crochet from web pictures and self teach it. Whenever I look at the things I like and what I have done to creatively express it, I rejoice that God gave these likes and passions to me. I know I feel sometimes embarrassed especially describing my passions to men but I mustn't. I forget to come outside myself and see the light in my eyes. Too often I sit within myself trying to hide! Hmmm, interesting that this comes out here when I didn't intend it too. Another connect the dot...

I did spend a lot of time researching and gathering because I felt so behind. Now that my pattern book is full, I hope I can manage more efficiently by junkie cravings! However, I am finding the need growing stronger and stronger to make my own patterns. Having nieces and a nephew, I do want to create characters from their story books but wait, why not create my own ami characters and stories!!!! My goal is to definitely marrying my passions and crafts together! I might have a full plate of passions but I think it quite alright to have second and thirds full plates! Isn't that the way to have a full and delightful life?

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