Friday, April 04, 2008

game {n}

Games = a form of play or sport, esp. a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.

I love games. I feel it is a good way for a parent to teach their young a bit about life, relationships, and sportsmanship. It is a way to teach strategy. The strategy part is where one could get into trouble but I am suggesting God-Strategy over strategy for selfish means. Strategy is about the mind and how one can turn things around and see from other angles and proceed forward. The simple games like card or board games or even puzzles help you flex the mind and make it more nimble. {smirks} But this entry isn't about the simple games but rather about the reality games where it is about the complex issues of morals and relationships and your take on 'life' like what is of value to you ...

Let me just put this out there. I have some reality games that I pay attention to but not for sheer entertainment. I having my own battle - I grapple with the issues using God's Word and seeking Him. It is amazing how a situation can prove useful in seeing more clearly a Biblical truth. (proverbs 11:16 - a gracious woman retains honor, but a ruthless man retain riches.) What pulls me in is when a player claims to be a christian. I want them to be that light in clay pots or salt improving flavor and preservation. Most of the time they are slaughtered by others or the media or they ring false. So can you play in a reality game as a born again believer? Or is there that battle of not being able to serve to masters? Which will it be? God or money? But what about Daniel and his companions. They where taken into a land and culture not their own. Daniel and his buddies chose not to eat the food given to the idols. Daniel told those over him to test and see who where stronger by the food they ate. Daniel and his friends where! So can a believer play the reality game and win the money?

I started to make a list to answer my 'what if' questions because I believe strongly that a believer's behavior is the only way to show truthfully Who has changed their heart. Here's my list:

1. Honor God
*With your body, mind, heart and soul, honor God. Be loyal/fear to Him only. Eyes on Him - everything else fades.
*Obedience bring blessing. Disobedience brings punishment.
*"He leads me in paths of right ways for His NAMESAKE. A good name is valued more than riches."

2. Set your mind on things above
*"Whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, good report, virtuous, praiseworthy - think on these things" (phil 4:8)
*What is Eternal?

3. Be choosy with relationships (proverbs 12:26)
*"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life" (proverbs 4:23)
*honest weights (proverbs 11:1) Use honest weights in how you treat people and pay attention to how others treat others. Are they using honest weights?

4. Let your gentleness be known to all men (phil 4:5)
*"to slander no one, to be peaceable, to be full of courtesy, to walk humbly" (titus 3:2)

5. Test all things. Hold to what is good (I thess 5:21)

To sum up my thoughts in reality games as well as life, there are two kinds of logic playing out - God's Wisdom and man's logic. Therefore, when the world sees a believer play out his life in a different way, it just is absurd. It cannot be explained. A believer's hope lies in the fact that all God-pricking happens in the heart where human eyes cannot see. You must play it God's way. "Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. " John 15:4

So is the Believer jumping into the arena? If you were to jump in there would there be a blood sport or would God shut up the lion's mouth? Would you be willing to sacrifice yourself up for another?

I am confident the believer can play the reality game and win hearts for God but the odds are that the believer won't be the last one standing with pockets overflowing UNLESS God's hand deems it otherwise.

I have yet to see this...

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