Wednesday, April 30, 2008

finally caught by the bug ...

I have tried and tried to keep the bug at bay but the throat is scratchy and a dry cough is being more persistent. Called Mom. She is down. She had it two weeks ago and took an antibody but with our niece getting the green crud, good ol grandma got it again! The little bro's fam is just recycling the bug over and over the past two months. ARgh! I can't really take cough syrup as it has sugar/ high fructose syrup in it. So I am waiting to take it when the cough gets to bad for me to sleep.

I have downed orange juice, grape juice, and prune juice. I have gargled with salt water and will gargle with peroxide and wash the ears out with H2O2 before retiring for the night. Two aspirins went down the hatch for the sore throat. Soooooo, we shall see what the morning brings...

1 comment:

  1. My skin was sensitive and I was caught between chills and hot flashes. I must have had a bit of the flu yesterday. My throat hurt yesterday and still does today. I am bit warm. I am still hoping to beat this. I don't have to work today but I am heading out to get some liquid and Vit C - looking for anything else to help too.

    Mom has walking pneumonia - well a bit of it. What makes it a bit or full blown! Anyways she is down and I might go over with a movie. I should wear a mask! wink wink! The doctor last time only gave her 5 days worth of antibiotics this time the nurse practitioner gave her the full 10 day. The nurse could not believe the doctor gave mom only 5 days worth! That is unheard of!

