Monday, July 23, 2007


I heard this list from Steven Davies and wrote them down. He stated that there are 3 refusals for a believer's life and they are: MEDIOCRITY (poorness), LETHARGY (sluggish), and APATHY (indifference).

I say this list is great for all areas of your life. One must guard from these 3 monsters in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual parts of your life. 'Movement is medicine.' One must keep active. What areas need to be focused on?

One should take the test at a personal level and then take it a social level. Friendships and relationships of all kinds need to take these monsters by the neck and choke them. I am sorry but I see way to many people just give up.

I had a discussion with my little bro about his relationship with a significant family member and his friendships or the 'it is too hard to be your friend' comment he was told. Argh! Good conversation. I know and have travelled that path. But I also tried to steer him onto my new findings. - You have only what the person brings to the table to work with ... and no more. - You cannot have more even though you think significant family member should be able to bring it - it is in their job title. Not easy.

Friendships are still important to me. Ok, I am obsessive in this area and still am. My approach is better. I know who I am and the person I strive to be. I have made absolutes that I follow. When I have a relationship, I work with what I am given - no more, no less. If I see hurt or pain or the lack of joy, dreams, or passion and this person is significant to me, I bring the 'sunshine.' I will not tire.

I doubt highly that I made an impact with little bro. But after another 10 years under his belt and welts on his forehead from beat his head against this wall, he will finally give in to this new concept. He is where I was at 10 years ago if not 10 weeks ago. It may sound like giving in (hate that!) but it isn't because I am still attacking every significant relationship with all I got but it more about what I am giving and what is there to work with. It is softer.

Anyways giving up is giving in to mediocrity, lathargy, and apathy! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

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