Wednesday, July 25, 2007

the anger game ...

Contrasts. Something about them that makes me stand back and listen up. There is always something of a mystery to play out and learn from. I was watching a man who has taken on 'Evil' as a name and a woman trying to do be good yet playing a game not so well. I sat there amazed that between these two seemed to be a pull in a confrontational way. I believe 'Evil' is drawn to her to bring her down. He twists everything she says by bull dozing and plowing down what words she says even when she tries to defend herself. It was so hopeless.

I then proceeded to go mental and try to figure out how I would handle what is put onto the table by someone like 'Evil'. I know I cannot deal or handle anger in any way. The slightest raised tone sends me over board. But I want to play this out and figure out how to handle an 'angry Evil'. How do take the anger out of the confrontation? How do I give him a bit of control yet take myself out of the fray? Do I share anything with him that he will soften or keep sacred things away? If he felt I was keeping anything away from him, he would turn so then what could be the 'meat' to throw him off devouring me? I was searching.

Love my searching mode because God always give me a Word to pull back the mystery. On the way to work this morning the radio guy was giving a verse that talked about anger so I quickly joted down the words .. the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God (nkjv) .. . Yup, that was all I got. So I knew I had to do some searching for it online. Found it!!!!!!!

19 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. 21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the Word planted in you,
which can save you.
22 Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
~James 1niv

Last night I was visioning the table with 'Evil' presenting me a cup full of his brand of fire water. Instead of jumping in I wanted to hold back and remember to 'see' everything. In the moment it is hard to remember to hold back when the anger inside is boiling up my thoat. In the moment it hard to hear God's Words echo from my soul to my mind. If I could just stand back and begin to picture what is under the table so to speak. For me that is how I can be quick to see-listen. Maybe that will enable me to be slow to speak and slow to anger up. It isn't about the little fish bowl you find yourself in but rather the life free like on eagle's wings...

Who said life isn't about games? Isn't 'Evil' trying to pull you into his game? Isn't he trying to pull you under and take the 'righteous life' from you?

I love words and I love how His Word is planted inside and yes, it does save you... if you do what it says!

Thank You, Heavenly Father. You will not let me be consumed! Huge huggers. I am safe within Your Almighty Arms.

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