Friday, November 17, 2006

life or death?

When you come from a pressed down place and have found Joy transform your life where your passion for God has increased beyond what you could have ever imagined, 'dying to self' is a concept that your spirit fusses over with distain. It could be that I am a 'word-freak' because I have a dictionary full of words that have life experiences attached to them.

What is true about death is that we should die to the flesh and die to our lusts, but we really should LIVE. Believers are given light, a treasure in jars of clay. Believers are given new white robes. Believers are given Everlasting Life! All others are walking death.

I have been a believer since early childhood but a long face and tortured spirit had begun to kindle in my depths. But I have been so fortunate to have had God's touch transform my life into one of Joy. I am excited to live and enjoy alllllll He gives me. Guess I want to be more careful about the word death because there is such delight in new growth, in new life ... It is amazing when deep in your heart, you feel it bloom again...

1 comment:

  1. I love what Jesus said in John 10:10...

    "I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."

