Wednesday, April 17, 2013

cup vs puddle…

I guess I thought freedom was a noble word where it was freeing a life from bondage whether it was slavery or persecution for beliefs not to spout off in name of free speech or rights to do whatever. All courtesy and self control have no value anymore. Morals are useless. Now every day is filled with protests, riots, twitter wars, & running up votes for a song to defame a prime minister for her controversial leadership. I hate say this but why are we surprised that everyday seems to be filled with shootings and bombings. Freedom of speech? How can I equate the two? How can you not? We've taken manners and respect from liberty. Let freedom ring leaves a ringing in my sore ears.

In the past I've described liberty as a fence for within the boundary both dog and master can be free. I know too well the tragedy of not have a fence with the lost of my Sam. Sadly, from the turmoil of today's earth, another vision or word picture comes …maybe to save a little generation that is in my household.

It comes from the Bible where we are to be at the ready with a cup of cold water for our dry and thirsty neighbor or enemy. The water is cool but contained in the confines of a cup. With this simple unassuming boundary, we can meet someone else's need. It generosity. It is saving. It is selfless. It is noble. I deem it freedom! Can you save a bound soul when you spill that water to have it trodden upon and muddied? Can you gather up that mud puddle and free someone of thirst? What do you get when you throw water at someone's face? This is an act of defiance and meanness. This is an act of anarchy!! Yes, anarchy!! Today we live loudly outside the box without restraint . There is no self control.

Why have rules? It is a question I like to ask the agnostic. Rules are of God to protect us and give us freedom. If there is no God, throw out all laws! Dead serious. Give me the cup. I cannot be happy without it. Interesting… "pursuit of happiness" isn't so happy when we are speeding headlong into the fiery depths of HELL.

Freedom without self control and courtesy is NOT freedom. It is sinking sludge hole, veracious and hellish. This gift of precious cold water that our founding forefathers gave us to preserve, we have acted like a spoiled brat and the cup is shattered. Now we are left with a puddle AND the Wrath of God.

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