Saturday, June 26, 2010

weeping for the Ents...

A running nose after a Saturday sun walk in April 09 was the first clue that I just might have another allergy to add to my ever growing list of them. I have been ever on edge this year especially after a headache at Easter. I must have tree allergies so Zyrtex has been a constant companion. How long do trees pollenate? There has been high predictions for tree pollen ever since April. There was a slight down turn this week so I stopped taking the medication.

This has been a really wacky summer. Summer started right after winter, I swear honesty here! I never had a chance to wear my cool spring clothes! And RAIN! It has rained so often here that the grass is emerald green and the river banks are a constant high where we have flash flood warnings every time there is rain forecasted. Then comes the storms. Last Friday night we had a major one! The rain came in pounding the earth so hard that the rain turned into a white haze and my view was just 6 feet out. It was this sick army brown green. The winds wickedly whip around at speeds of 80 mph. It lasted what seemed forever. One good thing about rain is that it does cleanse the air.....

There where trees down where the winds grappled with the weak parts of the tallest and oldest and thickest trees. Mostly it was the little branches everywhere. I guess it was just a prelude to what was to come the following Wednesday...

Rains where predicted to stop by 3PM and they did. The sun came out and I thought I would be spending a night of creating....

8 o'clock comes with darken skies and darken reports of nasty weather coming our way. It was like not again and really? The sky was grey. Yes, grey stormy... maybe though .... The the grey flashed. Here we go. It was not like Friday. It was less and was quick too. But the damage was more. Four tornadoes hit the county and two hit south of my town. It was at F1 levels so the damage was basically huge trees toppled over baring roots. Wild circles in the corn. A barn lifted up and flattened. Nothing like the tornado damage to a neighboring town several years ago in October. It was still hard to go to work seeing such massive trees uprooted. What power! It makes me remember how strong my God is. My eyes welled up with tears....

Came home Thursday night and my nose started to run. The tree pollen count is there but down. So why was my nose just running? I remember someone recently tell me about a woman who was allergic to pine. She didn't know why she was always sickly every December until she released that their live Christmas tree was the causing her physical gloom and doom. So with this 'dot' and connecting it to the buzz of chain saws cutting down trees all over leads me to believe the cause of my runaway nose is the trees again!

{heavy sigh} I hate the smell of hay and fall is my least favorite seasons except the brilliant cornflower blue skies and the golden corn fields because of the hay fever. I don't want to hate spring and summer. Pollen is like dirt but hidden dirt. This causes crazy behavior on my part besides the massive headaches. I become obsessed of the clothes I will wear outside and what clothes I will wear inside and not ever outside. Then there is the problem of my favorite clothes that I just don't wear at all because I don't want the pollen in my house. It is an invisible enemy and ridiculous behavior on my part, I know. Don't roll your eyes ant me and keep your mitts off the phone. Don't call the crazy house or the the straight jacket ... just yet!

I guess what I am saying the long way is that I don't want to hate trees or spring or summer. (Winter has been my favorite season with Spring coming in as a tie position.) Trees are ancient centurions. Always tall, watchful, faithful, lasting, and dependable. There is something serene and thoughtful about trees... Tolkien seemed to feel for trees and I reflect.... I have to romanticize my little issue. I weep for the Ancient Ents.....

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