My dear beloved daughter,
Ahhhhh, your fiesty little heart is what I created. I see that you are trying so hard to understand how to balance out that fight you have so that you aren't striving but being. I know you are soooo tired of banging your head against the wall. I know you hate to give up and yet you are learning to let go. I am glad your first concern is balance because that is where the key of this mystery is. You get upset when life and relationships get messy and you feel greatly cross and irate. You will feel this out and find the boundaries. You will right yourself again. Keep Me close. Engage Me. You, My dear one, will still have your fight and you will be still and serene in the face of all that once pricked your very soul to breaking.
Again My-Designed lesson for you. Continue to give. You are right that what you give out will come back. It just might not be the way you thought it would be. Remember I love to give abundantly. You are rich, My girl, because you are MINE.
I love the way I created your brain. While reading that man-book, I saw how you were thinking up the path a girl should be taking. You don't have it all worded out but you are so right on. You are My beloved daughter, My maid-in-waiting, My dream keeper, and when all these experinces ripen your soul, you will be My serene. You are still trying to figure out words for the stages between dream keeper and serene like home or land. You are in the right place. I delight in how you engage learning. Keep up the good work.
Be your own best friend. The human definition wasn't correct, was it? There is no such thing as a human best friend. I am the Bestest-Friend you will ever have, but a best friend can only come of yourself being kind to your own wounds. It makes you soft and supple and resilient as I would have you to be.
I love you. I love your dreams. I love your search for Me even in the everyday. Keep engaging Me. Keep leaning into Me. I will be your Father, your Husbandman, your Friend, and your Great-Lover. I love romancing you! You heard My whispers and now you feel My great winds of romance! Oh, how I delight to see your smile and your joy! You romance Me when you do. You are getting it! Let that Love bubble up and overflow others. Continue to Taste all I have for you. Your path is being Strengthen. I LOVE you!!!!!! Huge Huggers from My Everlasting Arms.
~ always the Rock of Ages
on this day...'06
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