Thursday, August 03, 2006

'Was this expected?'

This has been the major question these days since Grandma's death. ''I just saw her at the fair Sunday a week ago!'' ''I just talked with her.'' I just visited her.'' ''I saw her at CC's eating with your Aunt.'' ''So when I read the paper, I couldn't believe my eyes!''

No, it wasn't a surprise. Three years ago Grandpa entered Heaven and left Grandma. We were watched Grandma and saw her decline but come through. Lately she complained of her poor eyesight. This was not something she was going to put up with. She would lose track of her memory and wonder where my Aunt was. Her children were asking themselves what should we do now? Is she going to be able to say at home?

Yes, this was a surprise! No real health problems. Sunday a week ago she was at the fair. Thursday was out eating with my Aunt and a friend. Saturday she mowed the front lawn. When she came in she told my Aunt there were a few skippers out there for her to deal with. Monday my Aunt came home to eat lunch with Grandma like always. 6:30 Aunt made a call home to tell Grandma she was going to be late and asked if she wanted to go out. Grandma said to just bring something home. At about 8 my Aunt called to let Grandma she was almost home. No answer. Aunt knew something was wrong.

My Grandma had went to take a nap and pulled an afagan up to cover her and fell asleep. She woke in the Arms of the Almighty. What an awaking!

''What a way to go!'' Yes, it is the perfect way to go. Leaving no more worries for her children. No agony of a long illness. No crash. No long good bye where there is no recognition. What a way to go.

I heard that this kind of death is normal for her family. You wonder if it will be true for you. You wonder what you will leave behind... also wish that she wasn't alone in her passing into eternity ... but then again she wasn't! The Great Shephard was with her all along...

honoring a generation gone

1 comment:

  1. Keeper ~ i'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma. May you and your family know the deep comfort and peace given by the One who knows and understands all things. You're in my thoughts...
